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Grab All Megascans Assets Before the Year's End

Grab All Megascans Assets Before the Year's End

December 29, 2024

Make sure to claim all the Megascan assets here on Fab and on Megascan Bridge because starting next year in 3 days, the Megascan asset library will no longer be free. But if you claim them right now you get to keep them forever.

Here are the links again, just hit the claim button and they will be yours:

Fab Claim Link

Megascans Bridge Link

Starting December 31st Epic will remove free access to Megascan assets. If you would like to learn more and why they decided to do so you can watch this video. Epic will keep some assets free for all users, but the majority will become paid for.

Make sure to grab assets on Fab and Megascans Bridge which are two different marketplaces and claiming on one does not transfer to the other. The original plan was for Megascans Bridge to be shut down, with Fab fully replacing it as the only source for Megascan assets. It became clear the first week of Bridge shutting down that Fab was not feature complete and lacked a lot of essential options for creators. Because of this, Epic will keep Bridge active until Fab is able to fully replace it.

DarknessFX has been creating for the past year a massive library of materials for Unreal Engine 5. It is a great learning resource to see how advance materials and shader logic are created. You would be surprised at just how much is possible with material nodes and no textures.

You can get these materials on his github.

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